Tuesday, April 29, 2008


We just got back from a very inspirational trip to Brooklyn.We walked and ate and walked and ate  through all the neighborhoods until we could walk no further. The sweetest little shops all filled with personality inspired a Pear Tree make-over. Actually the FOOD was the most inspiring, we considered turning the shop into a small italian bistro...
But, no, it will remain the eclectic little shop that it is, with the addition of a little funk and some more houseplants. After a long winter lots of time for contemplation within, its so nice to connect to all of the creative energy that the city brings.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


My hands are dirty! I been starting seeds, and very happily watching them grow, AND... today I found my first patch of dirt in the garden and immediately planted spinach seeds in it. The soil can be "worked" which is the requirement on the seed packet. I don't know if it is too wet though. Might rot, but I just couldn't wait. Every day the snow in the yard recedes a little bit. The ornamental grasses I planted last year are showing the beginning signs of survival. So are my 'meadowbright' echinacea and  all the little ladys mantle divisions. The yard is soggy soggy, but it smells so good- now I remember why I live here and cant imagine what I did all winter.