Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sweet little birdhouse, isn't it? 

We had a satisfying blend of manual and mental labor today,  allowing for some well-earned deck time with Bob Dylan & a beer. Days like these remind me why I live in the country. 

By the way, I saw the first peeks of seedlings in the cold frame. Soon there will be fresh salad.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

cold frame

I have always wanted to extend my gardening season. I miss the smell of dirt by March. Thank you Bob for making this little beauty for me! The plans came roughly from Elliot Colemans "4 Season Gardening" which is a wonderful book for those of us living in the arctic tundra, I mean Vermont. I just started mesclun greens yesterday although I dont think I was supposed to leave them out overnight in the 5 degree temps, we'll see...